TRAILER REWIND: May is Asian American& Pacific Islander Heritage Month (# AAPIHM ), and we are highlighting some of our AAPI filmmakers who brought stunning tales to the big screen. First is columnist/ conductor Alice Wu, who formed her feature-length directorial debut with Saving Face. About the movie, in her own oaths: “I suppose if there is one thing I am trying to say with the film, it is that no matter who you are- Asian or black, gay or directly, young or old-fashioned- that everyone mostly is intended to love- and that opportunity can start at any point in your life that you want it to.” # FemaleFilmmakerFriday

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When 48 -year-old widow Hwei-Lan Gao( Joan Chen) informs her less-than understanding father she’s pregnant, he excommunicates her from Flushing until she remarries or proves Immaculate Conception. With nowhere to go, Hwei-Lan moves in with her enlarge daughter, Wil( Michelle Krusiec ), a Manhattan doctor who doesn’t want a roommate, peculiarly since she’s met Viv( Lynn Chen ), her seductive young lover. So Wil does what any dutiful child with an expectant, unmarried mother on her handwritings would do: she starts to set Hwei-Lan up with every eligible bachelor in town.

#SavingFace #OfficialTrailer #Sony #SonyPictures #Trailer #TrailerRewind #AliceWu #JoanChen #MichelleKrusiec #LynnChen

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