Prince Thadeous( Danny McBride) and Prince Fabious( James Franco) inspect the Wise Wizard for insight as they embark on their seeking. Watch this humorous incident from David Gordon Green’s comic imagination, Your Highness!

Rent/Buy Your Highness!
iTunes: https :// us/ movie/ your-highness/ id449594291
Amazon: https :// Your-Highness-Danny-McBride/ dp/ B0055JPM6I/ ref= sr_1_ 2? crid= EWSU1Q 275 D7Q& keywords= your+ highness& qid= 16460822 15& s= instant-video& sprefix= your+ highne% 2Cinstant-video% 2C158& sr= 1-2
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Universal Pictures Home Entertainment: https :// movies/ your-highness

Film Synopsis:
Get high and mighty with Danny McBride, James Franco and Natalie Portman in Your Highness, the epic and amusing action-comedy from the director of Pineapple Express. Two royal princes–slacker Thadeous( McBride) and the noble Fabious( Franco )– join with an elusive fighter( Portman) on a search to free a princess from an evil witch. Along the behavior, they’ll have to vanquish horrific creatures and traitorous gallants in this raunchy trip reviewers cheer as “gloriously absurd, humorous& projectiles out irreverent”( The Playlist/ Indiewire ).

(c) 2010 Universal Studios. All Privileges Reserved.
Cast: Natalie Portman, James Franco, Justin Theroux, Danny McBride, Charles Dance, Damian Lewis, Toby Jones, Zooey Deschanel
Produced By: Scott Stuber
Directed By: David Gordon Green

#UniversalPictures #YourHighness #WiseWizard

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