“A place where nobody dared to go … The beloved that we came to know … They call it Xanadu! ” Watch Olivia Newton-John perform E.L.O.’s “Xanadu” along with Gene Kelly in the eponymous 1980 sect classic. We know the title of this video is flustering but we couldn’t fit in the fact that while Gene Kelly’s character owns and operates the ‘8 0s/ ‘4 0s hybrid roller disco, Olivia Newton-John’s character is the daughter of Zeus and a* literal* Greek muse. And we just really needed you to know that.
Buy/Rent Xanadu!
Amazon: https :// www.amazon.com/ Xanadu-Olivia-Newton-John/ dp/ B002KE8WTA
iTunes: https :// itunes.apple.com/ us/ movie/ xanadu/ id282480162
YouTube Movies: https :// www.youtube.com/ watch? v= 4nMhgO0bbOc
Google Play: https :// play.google.com/ store/ movies/ items/ Xanadu? id= 4nMhgO0bbOc
Fandango Now: https :// www.fandangonow.com/ items/ 1MVaad0dc6bc51388fb1c6ea2befcfd3963
VUDU: https :// www.vudu.com/ content/ movies/ details/ Xanadu/ 4962
Universal Pictures Home Entertainment: https :// www.uphe.com/ movies/ xanadu
Xanadu is a look at the future and a affection thought of the lane things were in the heyday of Hollywood. The musical score includes the thumped chants “Magic, ” “I’m Alive, ” “All Over the World, ” “Suddenly, ” and the name song “Xanadu.” Olivia Newton-John will stupefy your senses with her radiant grace and incredible singer. She and Gene Kelly star in this mesmerizing musical fantasy. The ‘4 0s convenes the ‘8 0s in Xanadu, a very special love story and the first lavish, old-fashioned melodic to utilize today’s music.
(c) 1980 Universal City Studios, Inc. All Privileges Reserved.
Cast: Olivia Newton-John, Gene Kelly, Michael Beck
Produced by: Lawrence Gordon
Directed by: Robert Greenwald
Read more: youtube.com
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