Sometimes making your friend put on sunglasses be transformed into one of a long time fistfights in movie history. In this classic vistum from John Carpenter’s They Live, Nada( Rowdy Roddy Piper) needs his friend Frank( Keith David) to see the truth about the aliens who rule the world. But when Frank stands, things get punchy. Real punchy. Contains violence!

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They force our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our feels without us feeling it. They restrain our lives without us recognise it. They live. Horror ruler John Carpenter( Halloween, The Thing) places this heart-pounding thriller. Aliens are systematically gaining control of the earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission. Humanity’s last chance lies with a lone drifter who finds upon a painful finding – a distinct pair of sunglasses that disclose the terrifying and deadly truth.

(c) 2008 Universal Studios. All Claims Reserved.
Cast: Roddy Piper, Meg Foster, Keith David, Raymond St. Jacques, Peter Jason
Directed By: John Carpenter
Produced By: Larry Franco

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