Scott Laven/ Warner Bros.

A buzz encountered hat! Kano! Sub-Zero, the Ice Terminator! Our staff reacts to the gory new movie, which punched no. 1 at the box office this past weekend.

Mortal Kombat is back in a big way. The new movie, which debuted on HBO Max and in theaters this past weekend, headed the highway for the strongest week at the box office since cinemas were shuttered last year. And not only was it immensely popular–it knocked up a lot of nostalgic feelings for people who grew up on the video game series. Here, the Ringer staff break down everything we cherished( or didn’t) about the brand-new Mortal Kombat and what we’d want to see out of the sequel.

What is your tweet-length review of Mortal Kombat?

Ben Lindbergh: Meeting a Mortal Kombat reboot without a tournament, Johnny Cage, or Kitana is a daring approach. But it mainly pays off, if you provide your apprehensions appropriately low-pitched for a movie based on button-mashing.

Shea Serrano: If you’re not gonna shout each character’s name when they pop up on the screen for the first time then I don’t wanna watch the brand-new Mortal Kombat with you.

Jomi Adeniran:

An hour and fifty instants of #MortalKombat and Raiden doesn’t whoop “AYBIBABAYEN !!! ”Not even once. 0/10.

— Oluwajomiloju (@ JomiAdeniran) April 25, 2021

Justin Sayles 😛 TAGEND

Miles Surrey: I’m a simple man: I watch a movie where someone comes sliced in half with a sharp-worded hat, and I like it.

What was your favorite part of the movie?

Surrey: Not only was Hiroyuki Sanada awesome molding for Scorpion, but having him say “I have risen from hell to kill you” in the direction of Sub-Zero( played by The Raid alum and all-around underrated act stellar Joe Taslim) before preparing him on fire acquired my inner 12 -year-old very happy.

Adeniran: Every hour Josh Lawson was on-screen was a treat, but the background when Kano questions Liu Kang, “Is that the only move you know? ” had me in tears because I can plainly recollect saying the same thing to my roommates in rookie year of college where reference is represented Mortal Kombat to decide who would do the dishes that night.

Serrano: My favorite part of the movie was them squandering Sub-Zero as pretty much an Ice Terminator. Joe Taslim was really great in the persona. My second favorite part of the movie was when Kung Lao turned his hat into a spinning blade heard on the ground and then surfboarded his dissident into it, separating her in half. My third favorite character was Kano. He was fun.

Sayles: Kano, who was perfect, despite being one of the uglier Aussie stereotypes I’ve seen on screen.

Lindbergh: When Kano says, “Maybe your arcana’s coming your ass kicked by a hat.” Relatedly, when Nitara comes intersected by a hat. John Walker hopes he could do this.

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