If you’re really into makeup, you know how many touches you need to get that excellent smoky look or that snatched jawline. The actual makeup you’re exerting is important, of course, but it’s all in how you apply it. Your makeup can gape wonky no matter how expensive or reverenced it is. Brushes are the MVPs of your makeup bag. They’re so important that you might want to consider getting them a residence of their own, especially if you have at least eight brushes in pirouette. There are makeup bags that are specifically designed with these tools in knowledge, which is why we rounded up the best makeup brush bags for you.

These pockets were designed with makeup supporters in judgment. They’re compact, but it’s easy to find and pull out the grazes it is necessary to. You won’t need to spend a ton of time delving through the luggage. One of our selects can even view a total of 30 brushes. That’s more covers than most people know what to do with. We even picked a clean crate that has a ton of room for your cosmetics. It’s the best of both macrocosms.

Read more: stylecaster.com