hzdKojima Productions/ Guerilla Games

Well, it turns out Death Stranding is a real tournament that has more to it than a series of bizarre trailers and Guillermo Del Toro clutching children in pots. Who knew?

Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima was eventually testified off some actual gameplay for his latest name. Unfortunately, that gameplay hasn’t actually been made publicly available electing instead to privately register video games to developers at Horizon: Zero Dawn studio, Guerrilla Games.

Unfortunately, precisely because Kojima his flaunting his wares, it doesn’t mean it’s ready for us hitherto. Kojima Yield head of sell and communications, Aki Saito clarified hat video games isn’t done yet.

Showed the first two hours of gameplay to our Guerrilla brothers. Yes, Hideo was demonstrating it!( The activity is not fully completed…yet) The picture show’s the friendship between us! Keeps our reciprocal secrets now! pic.twitter.com/ UejLW2oAeb

— Qi Teng Zhao Yi( Aki Saito) (@ akisaitokojipro) January 16, 2019

Death Stranding passages on Guerrilla’s Decima Engine, so it obliges sense that the team there would be among the first to see how Kojima’s baby is progressing. Of track that doesn’t make it all very well that the rest of us are still sat here scratching our fronts, trying to work out what the game is going to be about.

The only reminders we’ve seen of gameplay even further involve lots of gait, descending, and carrying. Nothing extremely dynamic, it has to be said.

Death Stranding was first demonstrated during E3 2016 in a batshit crazy trailer that featured a naked Norman Reedus on a sea cradling a baby. Subsequent trailers for the game have done nothing to alleviate my doubts that it’ll be the most Kojima game to ever have Kojima’d.

Kojima Productions

Given Sony is skipping E3 this year, it’ll be interesting to see exactly when we understand better Death Stranding. A secrete year would definitely be nice. We’ll exactly have to wait and recognize, I guess.

Read more: unilad.co.uk