Although the Academy Awards aren’t until next year( dangerously, the establish doesn’t air until February 2019 ), abundance of film pundits and cinephiles are already prophesying which movies( and respective actors) will rake in “the worlds largest” referendums. While it’s no surprise that A Star Is Born ‘s Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga continue to be main topics of conversation in Oscars-buzzing circles, there’s one more mention we anticipate deserves identification by this year’s Academy — and , no, we don’t mean Charlie, the labradoodle that stole our centres. We’re talking about Lady Gaga’s eyebrows.

To be more specific, we’re talking about Ally ‘s eyebrows. If you already watched the cinema, you know that the struggling vocalist with concealed potential has a deep-seated of eyebrows that support her almost as much as big brother Bobby( played by Sam Elliott) patronizes Jackson Maine. Although it’s clear that the movie puts emphasis on her stick-thin lag arches( they are included in several different representations ), it’s not quite as clear exactly why( we have a same curiosity about Ally’s nose, but that’s a different story ). Turns out, Cooper fit as many Easter eggs as is practicable into his 2-hour directorial introduction and, according to the report of Vanity Fair, one of the most difficult hide pearls is those eyebrows.

Read on to learn the full backstory of the foreheads that play a role in every iteration of the A Star Is Born film.

Warning: This narration enclose spoilers for A Star Is Born.

In the 1937 A Star Is Born, Esther( Janet Gaynor) is given a Hollywood makeover to fit her new celebrity portrait, including a establish of elaborated — and pretty terrible — eyebrows.

Photo: Photo 12/ Alamy Stock Photo.

In the 1954 account, Judy Garland’s Vicki also wears Piaf-esque eyebrows, but not because she’s a draw baby. Vicki’s brows are also a part of her hotshot makeover, which Norman Maine( James Mason) eventually obliterates away with soap and spray in a last-minute scene.( Bang a lot like Cooper and Gaga’s screen measure , no ?)

Photo: TCD/ Prod.DB/ Alamy Stock Photo.

Barbra Streisand( as Esther) are not able to have been encouraged to get a head-to-toe translation in the 1976 A Star Is Born, but that doesn’t mean eyebrows — in some constitute or another — weren’t a topic of gossip. There’s one situation in the campy remaking that fans still discuss peculiarity a bathtub, brew cans, and makeup. While immersing in a bubble bathroom, Esther describes eyebrows onto her love, John Norman Howard( Kris Kristofferson ), and says, “Oooh, you’re so pretty.” It’s agreed that this moment is random, but no doubt caused a similar place in Cooper’s remake( we’ll get that ).

Photo: Photo 12/ Alamy Stock Photo.

When Maine looks Ally for the first time, she’s dressed in draw as Edith Piaf, singing a ravishing portrayal of “La Vie En Rose” and crawling on the bar. She moves a little bit further, leans back, and then BAM !, she matches Maine’s gaze. The camera attracts into a tight chassis on Ally’s face. The red lighting in the bar nullifies out any discernible makeup, except for two deprives of jet-black strip that act as stand-ins for Piaf’s iconic arches.

We’re not done.

When Maine introduces himself to Ally backstage, he requests her, “Are those your real eyebrows? ” before he insists on rind them off. Several panoramas subsequently, a montage registers Ally putting mascara on Maine( while in a tub , no less) before targeting her lag eyebrows( which simply happen to be conveniently on hand) over Maine’s real ones. There purposes the eyebrow arc that, at the very least, deserves its own Supporting Actress nod.

Photo: Clay Enos/ Warner Bros.

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