My name is Siyu and I’m the founder of Tiny Eyes Comics, a webcomic streak that explores and shares Chinese culture through the details of everyday life.

A year ago, I produced a collecting of my comics on the differences between Chinese and Western culture( check it out ). During the past time, besides cultural changes, I likewise recognise the cultural acquaintances and world-wide costs we all share as people across cultures.

For this post, I put together a selection of my recent comics I thought you might experience. You can find more content on my social media pages listed below.

More info: Instagram | Facebook

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

What are you talking about when you say something is big or small? “A big house” in the U.K.may not planned the same event as in the U.S .; “Not numerous people” in China may not planned the same act as in Norway; “Too cold” in France may not planned the same situation as in Russia.

It’s the reference point you speak.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

Eating Chinese noodles while watching Netflix after duty has become one of my programmes in Paris. I feel lucky that I’m living in this world where cultures are no longer restrained to their physical shore. If you are living in a big city, likelihoods are that you can also choose live slice of different cultures: eating sushi, watching a French movie, listening to an African banding, exerting a commodity attained in Germany, or hang out with someone from the opposite side of the world. More and more of us no longer live a singular culture, instead, our lives started to entwine into each other, creating a richer texture.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

The English word “ouch” is commonly used as an expression of one’s physical hurting,( refer to the incident for utilization) although, in China, I would normally say “Ai Yo ”( ai-yoh) instead. In France, the equivalent is “Aie”. This got me inquisitive, and while sought for other faces, I bumped into an clause from The Guardian — “Is ouch exerted worldwide? ”. Well, the answer is no, and people being interviewed in the essay have shared some cheering specimen from their cultures, shown here. Even though the express go from one another, one thing in common is that they all begin with a vowel, and are quite short to enunciate. I guess we all go back to our primal inclination when getting hurt.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

My friend once told me that Chinese sounds like a tune to her because it has numerous moods. “Then theres” voices that don’t exist in other languages, which impels it harder to declare. Make myself as an example, heap of English speaking people pronounce my refer “Siyu” as “see you”, and the common joke would be like “Seeyou, see you! ”

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

When I studied in the US, I discovered the notion of “constructive criticism “, which symbolizes abiding positive by saying what you been fucking loving something first, and then how it’s possible to be improved. In this behavior everyone’s joyful and things can be changed.

French generally have a more direct and “harsher” approach. They are pleasant with hostility, and debate is expected. I often heard people( between acquaintances, house, peers etc .) contend loudly with one another. Unlike the American’s “Yes, and…”, French tend to say “No, because…”. It can be spooky in the beginning for someone who’s not from different cultures, but once you understand it’s based on trust and respect you’ll be comfortable to participate.

Chinese frequently shuns strife, because relations( guanxi) is so important that we are afraid that squabble will start the other person disappointed and harm the relationship. Instead, we use stillnes or doubt to show objection. Sometimes, even people say that they agree, they don’t necessarily necessitate it. It could just has become a method to keep harmonization.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

Mom likes munching fish tails, she’s a bit funny. It took me years to recognise my mom’s maneuver to obligate me eat the best part of the fish. I care I could be less innocent and understood her earlier, then I could play tricks to take care of her very.

If we make a list of things that are universal across cultures, a mother’s love is surely on top of that roll.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

If you have ever learned a foreign usage, you’d have suffered the stage of not being able to fully understand others or carry yourself, like a three years old child in foiling. I be pointed out that when people switch between their native lingo and a foreign conversation they don’t original, it seems that their identities change as well. When “youre not” fluent in its own language, you appear to be less able, and when you spake your native usage, confidence indicates through.

People tend to affiliate your identity and with the road “youre talking”. I sound quite “blunt” when I speak French because I don’t know all the subtleties and connotation of the words. As a upshot, I can’t elect the freedom message in the right context. For immigrants, expression is a very important part of desegregation in matters of access to information, communication, and self-expression. In a style, communication is social influence.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

“Still or carbonated water? ” In a French eatery, the waiter/ waitress ever invites this question before the dinner. In the US, the default is usually still irrigate with sparkler. I always wondered how people could exist with ice water in winter since it’s previously so cold outside. In China, beings drink hot water a great deal, which is strange for lots of non-Chinese. For one thing, tap water is undrinkable, for another, people have the wont of booze hot water and believe that it’s good for state.( I was told that drinking sparkler spray will begin stomachache questions .)

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

I went to a delightful diner with my mothers in Lyon. They were really curious to try something neighbourhood but they didn’t understand a happening on the menu. “Why don’t they have characterizations? ” They asked. In China, lots of menus have photos that summarize the dishes, so even though you don’t understand Chinese, you can still require by parting at the picture that compiles you hungry.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

I met a girl the other date whose papa is an ambassador. “Shes never” stopped traveling since she was born and speaks several languages. She said each time parties query where she’s from she has to tell a story because she can’t summarize it with one word. I’ve also encountered people who have several pedigrees having similar situations. The encounter of cultures has created plural identities that are larger than the definition of one nation or one hasten, more the issues you ask stand singular. Maybe one day we could just ask “Who are you? ” instead of “Where are you from? ”

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

During Chinese New Year, traditionally children receive crimson envelopes( Hong Bao) that are in coin, which keep them away from evil spirits and draw them good luck. Nowadays it’s likewise very popular to route money( often in digital forms through Wechat) between love and colleagues.

Compared to yielding endows, paying fund is preferably direct and less ingenious. But when I appreciate beings going to the same accumulate and struggling to buy something original for Christmas every year, I start to wonder if there exists a better action. What do you think?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

A demand that’s so simple requires a process that’s so complicated. My Chinese passport doesn’t leave me much opennes with wander, and every time, applying for a visa brought about by all my negative exertions. The character of intent, the evidence of my identity, the proof of fiscal and marriage status, the evidence of returning in time. Everything needs to be proved–there’s no trust. It’s a process that reinforces break-up than relationship. The police are cold and apathetic, but I know it’s exactly their errand, and it’s information systems that put us in these situations. In the age of globalization, have we grow the “citizens of the world” or have we put together even more railings?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

Disclaimer: What you see here is fictional and it only exists in my pate. Please including references to real planneds for roam purposes.

Growing up in Beijing, I’m used to streets that lay out as an orthogonal grid in line with the four guidances. Actually, lots of Beijingers use North, South, East and West to describe directions. In Paris, streets are not paralleled and it feels more like a radial network of triangles. I get lost now and then, but there’s a few general remark from here and there. Last-place time I when to Venice, I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere without my google delineate( even Google map was confused in some areas ). It was like entangled strands without a clue.

What is your metropolitan like?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

Style is personal, of course, but it’s odd is how certain fashion tendencies change with epoch. Beijing is frequently much colder in wintertime compared against Paris. Down coatings started gaining esteem in the 80 s, and beings typically wear a stratum of long johns inside their trousers protect children from the coldnes. Nowadays countless young Chinese females see down coats as “old fashioned”, and promote instead of decorate in “European style”. Yet here in Paris I started to see more parties wearing down hairs in wintertime, c’est in fashion.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

I heard in Scandinavian culture the distinguish of “before” and “after” alcohols is even more dramatic because spirits are earmarked and maintaining distance is important. Is it true-blue?

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

The evolution of a word can wonder the evolution of culture. The command “leftover woman”( Sheng Nu) is applied in China to describe women who are single but who have already transferred the “best age” of getting married. There isn’t an accurate clarity of the word but these women often share common characteristics such as “over 27 years old”, “well educated” and “living in big cities”. The statement was chiefly sees as negative when initiated, but the meaning has been evolving since then.

In recent years people start to associate “leftover women” with positive epitomes, such as “independent”, “smart” and “happy”. Women begin to joke about being “leftover” and some are even proud of it. While the pressure of getting married for women still exist at large in Chinese civilization, more and more dames( especially in vast municipals) start to choose their lifestyle at their own will.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

Do you remember the time when you met beings caressing( or have intimate torso contact) on TV when you were little? How did your parents react? For a good part of Chinese parents, “changing the channel”, or “distracting their children” is the immediate reaction, because they think it’s erroneous for them to watch. In point, what’s behind this reaction the inability to communicate. Conveying love immediately is already difficult for adults, talking about it, to a child, sounds even more touchy. So the best way might just be to avoid it entirely. My parents are both highly radical, but we never had any open conference on this issue.( And sex is a subject of inhibition ). Nowadays, lots of younger mothers have adopted new ways contact frankly with their children on this subject.m, so that caressing becomes something natural instead of mysterious for “their childrens”.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

I’ve satisfied lots of second-generation Chinese immigrants who cannot speak Chinese or who can only speak but cannot read or write Chinese. Some of them choose to do so because they determine more with their current country, while others miss not learning enough when they were little. To them, the loss of conversation is also the loss of part of their identity and culture.

On the other hand, for Chinese, English is important in the process used to modernization: Understanding English allows you to get more information, to understand the world draw, to be able to have your enunciate discovered internationally. It’s typically seen as a “useful tool”. I’m curious to know that, in a country like Singapore where there are four official languages, how these different languages coexist and how people feel about using them in another context.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

We refer to the same thing with various texts. We describe the same happening with different statements. We use names to explore the world that is at the same time limited by those precise words. That limitation is likewise called “perspective”?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

If you ask a food critic to charge my mom’s fix, she’s perhaps not going to get many suns. Actually, her cooking is perhaps more simple-minded and her menu hasn’t changed over the years. Nonetheless, if you ask me, I’m going to give her all the stars that I have. It’s wholly subjective. Her cooking is the experience of my childhood, warm and familiar. It’s something that remains the same against the change of meter, a strong connection that I have with my past while exploring and sucking other cultures into my name, and a solid rock that I can always grasp and residual upon in the flowing creek of life.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

In Chinese cook, it’s very common to use the wok to fry different ingredients, which creates lots of fume. In China, most suites have powerful collection punks established in order to extract inhale. Nonetheless, most of the countries of the western kitchens are furnished with a feelings smoke detector which is set off by Chinese wok easily. It’s not rare to hear proprietors complaining about petroleum grimes or to understand Chinese students covering up the smoke detector with strips during cooking( could be dangerous , not recommend ). It’s a bit cumbersome, that’s genuine, but the nutrient is yummy that’s too true-life!

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

In 1982, the “One Child Policy” was officially implemented as one of the basic national programmes of China. No one has expected that merely after 30 years, such a policy has already become record coping with the rapidly aging population. Duos are now encouraged to have a second child , is not merely for the sake of family planning but likewise for the future of the nation. Ironically, the end of the “One Child Policy” didn’t have contributed to immediate population growth. Many friends of mine who live in big cities are worried about it impossible to render a second child, or not having enough time and vigor to take care of their children due to the high-pitched social pressure. What’s more, women’s suggestion about having children has also advanced as they received higher education. Numerous choose to have children eventually in their life, and some , not having children at all. Maybe we could get some revelation by looking at same clients in the past such as Sweden in the 1930 s and 1940 s when birth rates was at its low-toned pitch. Following the proposal of Swedish economists Alva and Gunnar Myrdal, social reform and policies were implemented to support families, including better maternal and child healthcare, free bringing, maternity and dwelling interests, and general child permits. It focused on improving the quality of life, and the birthrate started to rise as a result.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

Mixing English and Chinese when speaking initiations mixed actions in Chinese society. Some people think this is unadulterated show-off by people who have been abroad, others think this is unavoidable in an international firm culture in case there is perceptions hard to alter. “Then theres” experts who are worried about the future of the Chinese language.

Personally, I don’t’ really knowledge the form of communication I use as long as it promotes communication in that context: I’d speak English to a Chinese being if there’re other English-speaking people in discourse, but I wouldn’t use English words when speaking to my parents because it will confuse them. When I convened my Hong Kong friend last day we spoke a mix of Mandarin and English because she was still practising Mandarin, and I didn’t speak Cantonese.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

My mom suffered from postpartum depression after I was born, but none knew at the time, she didn’t either. “It’s probably just a strange bad mood, ” she reckoned.

The word “depression” remains unclear to lots of parties, even though there are roughly 30 million patients in China, according to a recent report of the WHO. The scarcity of knowledge should contribute to two types of attitudes of the public: one plows dimple as a unnerving mental illness, while the other thinks it’s simply an over-exaggeration of a bad humor.

Recent times, with more parties sharing their personal stories of the struggle against feeling, peculiarly luminaries, beings start to understand dip better, and more patients would go to physicians for suitable medication, but that’s not the majority more, and most of them are not comfortable talking about it honestly.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

I recently realized that I tend to change the portion width of various types of meals as I travel from one country to another. This is all personal practices, and I still don’t know which direction is the best for my state. In France, breakfast is usually small-minded and sugared. A croissant with a chocolate will do. I know countless people who skip breakfast. For lunch, grab a sandwich or a salad, it’s richer but still fairly light-footed. I chew the most at dinner because dinner experience is late in France and I often feel that I haven’t got enough from the previous meals.

In China, there’s a impression that it is necessary to “eat well for breakfast, munch plenty for lunch, and dine beacon for dinner.”( Zao Chi Hao, Wu Chi Bao, Wan Chi Shao) There’s a lot of hand-pickeds for breakfast and it’s thought of as its important dinner of the working day. Lunch is the time when I can eat as much as I choose, and my family like to have a ignite dinner, which is supposed to be good for digestion.

In the U.S, when I cook for myself, I can still follow my normal chores as in China, but if I go out to eat or fiat substance, I end up devouring too much for every meal. I guess it’s mainly to do with the enormous dishing immensity, and I don’t like squandering food.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

Chinese cuisine is often associated with names such as “rich” and “diverse”. Despite all its glamor and greatness, we all know that in many people’s imagination, there’s likewise a dark region of creepy, frightening trash is attributable to intelligences, insects, and eyeballs. In 2011, CNN adopted the world’s 10 most disgusting food. On exceed of this triumphing inventory is Chinese “century egg”( Pi Dan ), which numerous Chinese find savory, including myself( I necessitate, who wouldn’t demand some congee with minced pork and century eggs ?!). The remarks of the CNN reporters provoked some serious madnes from its Chinese gathering, with a major Chinese nutrient firm requiring CNN to apologize.

I still recollect the first time I looked century eggs on a dinner table. I observed the smell and the unusual pitch-black coloring immediately, but as small children, I was more adventurous and open to savors, specially when my parents let me try, I knew that it must be something “safe” and “normal” to eat. I’m sure if my parents had constructed me insects instead of rice every snack, today I’d happily gobble down a container of steamed caterpillars with some fried scorpions. After all, culture is this arbitrary happen that we adopt from others. Do we really need to agree on what’s luscious or disgusting?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

If century eggs and chicken hoofs are the nightmares for lots of westerners, then for me, fresh trash is the absolute fright. In my own personal dictionary of cuisine, the word “raw” is associated with bacteria, bad digestion, and brutes( human fabricated fuel to cook great menu privilege ?). I still recollect the repugnance I had the first time gobbling a steak in the U.S. My American sidekick had to convince me that it’s both safe and savory to chew not fully cooked beef.

With globalization, steak and sushi eateries are no longer exotic in China. Yet traditionally, apart from a few marinaded specialties, Chinese dishes are usually well cooked, whether it’s ruby-red meat, fish or vegetables. The text “salad” Sha La in Chinese is a direct rendition of the hubbub of the English word, because it was a new hypothesi. Having lived abroad for many years, I still find unadulterated lettuce salad a little bit “tasteless”.( although I adore Salade Nicoise where there are lots of motley parts) “Why do Chinese beings like ingesting’ red-hot salad’? ” It offset me laugh when a Romanian love asked me this question. I had never thought about it from the other side!

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

Sidekicks and underwritten competitives, Asian actors are still stuck in supporting roles in west cinemas and Tv succession( especially in Hollywood films ). Although recent years have witnessed an increasing figure of Asian faces, the reasons behind it are likely more about allaying connoisseurs and making profits than telling diverse storeys. If you employ a famous Chinese performer/ actress in a film, the box-office is perhaps going to expand. The people themselves, though, have stayed mainly stereotypical, immaterial, or irrelevant to the storylines.( Or, they can play important Asian rascals !) Casting Asian actors doesn’t resolving the problem of the representatives. Knitting them into the floors in a meaningful mode is possibly a better beginning.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

I’m not changing citizenship, but I know there are lots of people who have done it or are preparing to do that. As more and more immigrants move away from their birthplace looking for a new residence to settle down, the governments have also raised the bar of citizenship by including citizenship measures as one of the basic requirements. It commonly includes questions about knowledge and historical events that sometimes even people born in their respective countries would struggle to know. How many amendments does the Constitution have? When was the 5th Republic proven? Was Catherine Howard the sixth spouse of Henry VIII?

While it’s understandable that the test should emphasize on language, record, and politics of a country, knowing these facts and anatomies alone does not create feeling connections to the history or a sense of belonging between the aspiring citizen and his/ her future country. What if we employed more resource, passion, and narratives into the test? What if we include menu, artwork, and social traditions? Is it wiser to give people a textbook of facts to memorize, or give them something to enjoy, be proud of and prepare ourselves for in case of cultural appalls in their everyday life?

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

My grandma converged my grandpa on the day of their marriage, which is impossible for my generation to imagine because we are so used to the idea of dreamy beloved. She spent the whole life with my granddad until the end when he was really sick and need to be taken care of forever. She knew all the details of his wonts, likes, and flaws. Of direction, there are all sorts of troubles you could point out in this type of daze wedding, yet the persuasivenes and courage to consent and are known to another person, and to include all the changes with epoch are admirable.

Nowadays we are lucky to have all the freedom to espouse. Many beings are eager to look for “the person” that will understand their souls from the beginning till the end without having to “work on it”. There’s less tolerance about flaws and questions that might evolve with period, and less patience to address it — you can always exactly find another person.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

Naming small children is an important event for most Chinese mothers, although there is are seeking to mash tons of wanting into one or two references is not an easy task, especially when you have a reservoir of millions of people to choose from. Usually you want to choose something that’s beautiful, promising, and peculiar, while at the same time avoiding inattentive homophones that will turn the call of your child into a joke. In add-on, depending on the family, sometimes you likewise have super committed grandparents who enjoy offering their opinions and suggestions, which can bring lots of outcomes, or other goes, struggles. You can also taken the decision to spawn your life easier and go for something simple and low-profile. In the end, every refer has a fib to tell.

What’s the story of your epithet?

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

I’ve never heard or said “sorry” so many times in my life as in the years I spent in the U.K. From commenting on the weather to sitting beside someone in the tube, it seems to be an indispensable part of everyday life.

According to a examination in 2016, the average Brits says “sorry” around eight times a day- and that one in eight people apologize up to 20 times per day. Yet the word doesn’t always signify being sorrowful as in the feel I’m familiar with. It might have various meanings depending on the context. For example, it could be a practice to indicate empathy and build cartel, or in other situations, to keep distance and protect privacy. “Our excessive, often inappropriate and sometimes extremely confusing implement of this word devalues it, and it induces happens very confusing and difficult for foreigners unaccustomed to our styles, ” says Kate Fox, a social anthropologist who has written various bibles that disclose the unwritten rules and demeanors that define English national identity and person. Check them out if “you think youre” curious

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

There seem to be numerous “fake football fans” who don’t watch football usually but who unexpectedly become fervent during the World Cup. “I don’t care about the societies, but when it’s between countries I enjoy it ,” one of them told me. These beings watch the World cup finals not because they affection football peculiarly, but very the environment, the spirit of a squad/ participate, and the feeling of being engaged in a life contest with other countries. What’s more, hanging out with friends in a table and heartening along with strangers is simply merriment.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

During these days in Berlin, I often noted myself mistakenly treading on the bicycle footpath, which is often combined with the track for walkers. The dissociation is clearly recognized out with depict but I was so used to the physically separated trails in Beijing where I could close my noses and gait safely( that’s not true for there is bicycles and motorcycles violating the rules ). In New York, it’s common to see the bicycle trail lie between a parking lane and a traffic lane, or associated itself with vehicles. In Paris, there’s a mix of all categories of roads( even contra-flow bicycle footpaths where you have to go against trafficking in human beings !) and the rules are not obvious for first comers. I’m still not gallant enough to explore the city on my bike.

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese girl who lives between cultures( Part2)

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

Every time a love get married, he/ she will show me their recording of pre-wedding photos, where the couple constitutes romantically in different settings wearing marriage garbs in either western mode or Chinese style. Marriage photos were first introduced from the West to China during the period of The Republic of China, but the pre-wedding photo industry is fairly recent, gaining esteem from the 1990 s. The photos can be done in a studio with a changing background. Or, if willing to pay more, the couple can circulate with health professionals photographer to other parts of the world for the shooting( Europe is the most popular destination ). After the shooting, there’s retouching in photoshop, which interprets everything “perfect”, to the point that it often examines a bit imitation. The process could take a daylight or even weeks, requiring lots of energy, especially that you have to smile non-stop !!

36 comics about the living standards of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

Grandma was diagnosed with “Alzheimers disease”. She is gradually losing her remember, submerging herself in her own nature. Yesterday I went to see her. She didn’t remember me, so I said my appoint frequently in anguish. Then abruptly, she understood something.” I like you ,” she said. She has never said anything like that to me before. Grandma has always been very reserved with uttering her emotions even though she adoration deep all her children and grandchildren. The sicknes has changed her personality. It was as if she could ultimately utter herself freely like a child. Perhaps she didn’t actually remember me, but at least she likes me, and that’s fairly. I’d love to be her friend, and I hope our friendship lasts forever.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese daughter who lives between cultures( Part2)

A special bout for those of you who celebrate Christmas.

36 comics about the life of a Chinese girlfriend who lives between cultures( Part2)

There’s a Chinese look “Yin Huo De Fu “ ,( a approval in camouflage) which refers to situations initially recognised as “negative” afterward turn out to be “positive”.( In this comic, falling down has led to a dreamy meeting .) There’s a lot of Chinese phrases like this that shows the possibility of the alteration from the present status into its antonym. For example, Le Ji Sheng Bei, ”extreme joy begets sorrow“, and Ju An Si Wei, “to be prepared for danger in times of peace”. They recall the relationship between the opposites and the everlasting pressure of change. Most Chinese beings are familiar with these speeches, which forever remind them of a situation that’s larger than the station of time they are living in.

Taking my personal experience as an example, I flunked college entrance exam, which initially was a disappointing event, but it also advised me to look for different solution, so I departed examining abroad, which turned out to be an astounding know-how, but then, living abroad kept me far away from my family and moving from place to place procreated long-distance relationships that didn’t wreak, which comes back to the negative side, yet again, this length likewise allows me to appreciate more about my family and my culture subsequentlies … The loop goes on and on, and video games of the two sides changing between each other will never culminate. Maybe that’s why the usual Chinese acces of being appears to be“mild”–not because people don’t have strong sensations, but because they are constantly endeavouring the balance between the opposites, being on one side while thinking about the other.

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