You’ve engraved your list calls, triple checked your consultation bookings, and finally got all your slide floors in order. You’re ready to kick off the most memorable happening of the year, right?

Totally! But the big question is, will your happen lives on beyond this week? Video is like a meter machine for your occurrence content–if you set up your episode video approach from the start, attendees can rewind and re-live the amazing know-how from your affair when they demand. And future attendees can see what all the publicity was about and project their excursion to next year’s episode accordingly.

Here’s why recording your occasion material is win-win for today and tomorrow 😛 TAGENDLive Streaming and Episodic Content

Live streaming your episode material is nothing brand-new. Dreamforce has been streaming keynotes and major sessions for years and they report five-figure observer quantities in addition to those in the gathering watching live. The recorded videos also make for great intermittent material to be secreted leading up to your next event.

Salesforce consumed footage from Dreamforce 2014 in the lead up to last year’s contest, posting a weekly “Road to Dreamforce” update for three months before the big-hearted 2015 episode. You can check them out here.

[ callout-content text= ”Webinar: How to Use Video for Events to Sell Out, Find New Business, and Track Impact” button= ”Watch Now! ” url= ”https :// webinars/ how-to-use-video-for-events/? utm_source= vidyard& utm_medium= blog% 20 berth% 20 textbook% 20 CTA”]

These videos included everything from what to expect at your first Dreamforce( boasting testaments from first-time attendees at the 2014 incident) to navigating the various types theme talks and perceiving the claim content for you( boasting footage from 2014 keynotes and panel discussions ). All of this helped construct hullabaloo for return attendees, but also presented Dreamforce 2015 to brand-new attendees in an prosecute, visually plea way.

Live streaming your occasion material is a genuine must if you’re looking to increase the eyes on your keynotes and concoction presents, but don’t forgotten to press preserve on that live steam. Exercising your dwelling happen videos as intermittent material leading up to your next happen is a great way to drive more value from your past episodes, and build up the promotion for your next one in equal measure.

Creating An Awesome Event Video Experience

If someone wants to watch your keynote video a few weeks after your phenomenon, and they honcho over to your happening website, will they find it? If they go to YouTube, they may find what they’re looking for, or they may find a grainy camera-phone form from someone in the gathering. Not a great experience.

Video hubs aren’t just for showcasing your produce material, they’re an excellent way to aggregate your happening videos so that attendees( and future attendees) is likely to be find its present session they want to re-watch, and share it with their colleagues. In addition to driving huge pre-event video, Salesforce does an excellent work he has done hosting their Dreamforce content on a hub, indexed by spotlights, innovation themes and produce keynotes. Check it out here.

We took a sheet out of Salesforce’s book for our own event, Space Camp, and set up a branded centre peculiarity all of the keynotes and seminar videos in an easily accessible format that can be shared with anyone. Take a search here.

Space Camp Video HubWhen someone wants to re-live the Space Camp goodness, or ensure what next year’s happen is going to be like, they can catch all of its most important hearings and keynotes easily without having to turn to YouTube. The large-hearted task here? Don’t acquire interested viewers hunt for your material. If you’ve preserved all of your sessions, give your viewers an easy way to devour this content, and find more videos like it. You may help someone who’s interested in your commodity find the right info they need to move forward, and you may facilitate person interested in your next episode apologize the ticket price!

Using Today’s Content to Woo Tomorrow’s Attendee

Many events make use of pre-event video. We’ve talked about it more than once, and the results are astounding( extremely when you personalize the video ). But if you’ve already recorded a money of hearings from your last-place happening, don’t reinvent the rotation.

Right after their 2015 episode, Oracle swiftly made best available talking qualities from James Franco, Jay Baer, Charlene Li, and other keynote loudspeakers into a phenomenal wrap-up video and trailer for their 2016 occurrence 😛 TAGEND

If you were puzzled for the purpose of determining whether or not this event is relevant to your interests, this video gives you a rapid and easy overview of what to expect from the themes, and the overall contest atmosphere.

For follow-up content, it’s important to get this out as soon as circumstances permitted so “youre staying” top of sentiment with your attendees, but just like the Salesforce example from earlier, it’s never a bad impression to use your subsisting content to get future attendees on board. Preserving all of your sessions gives you access to those excellent one-liners that define the entire flavour of your incident, so it’s merit pulping record whenever you can!

Blog CTA Video in Events

The post 3 Rationale To Press Record at Your Next Event materialized first on Vidyard.

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