After an intense interview with a respected Aussie journalist, US President Donald Trump has only been recently become a meme.
The discussion between Trump and Axios’ national political match, Jonathan Swan, aired on HBO this week. Swan grilled the President about the U’S response to the coronavirus pandemic, with Trump vowing the situation in the US was “under control”.
Swan, nonetheless, was not content with the answer and continued to ask Trump what he symbolized, foreground throughout the interview that “a thousand Americans are dying a day”. He sounded confused by the President’s responses, and photos of his amazed reactions get viral. Soon, Internet useds started doing what the hell is do best: utilizing the idols in all sorts of situations with( satirical) captions to express their opinions on pretty much everything. “It is what it is, ” Trump said, appearing indifferent to the COVID-1 9 death toll that has reached 150,000 in the Regime. When he was challenged, Trump responded with reacts that CNN has announced ‘nonsensical’.
“It is what it is, ” Trump said, appearing indifferent to the COVID-1 9 death toll that has already reached 150,000 in the Position. When he was challenged, Trump responded with reactions that CNN has announced ‘nonsensical’.
“We’re lower than the world, ” the President said in ‘an incomprehensible’ response when pressed on why 1,000 beings die due to coronavirus every day in the US.
“We’re lower than the world, ” the President said in ‘an incomprehensible’ response when pressed on why 1,000 parties die due to coronavirus every day in the US.
Most memorably, however, Trump shed a small tantrum( “You can’t do that! “) when Swan pressed him to discuss the reality of his coronavirus response beyond one specific graph his staff had print a copy for the interrogation, passing the columnist the paper when he found himself unable to make sense of the statistics.
As the meme is getting more and more popular, several beings tell you that Swan’s facial expressions during the interview is the epitome of our collective reaction to 2020 in general. And you can’t argue with that.
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