Marvel Studios’ “Eternals” welcomes an exciting new unit of Super Heroes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The epic storey, spanning thousands of years, pieces a group of immortal heroes made out of the darkness to reunite against mankind’s oldest enemy, The Deviants. The impressive ensemble shoot includes Richard Madden as the all-powerful Ikaris, Gemma Chan as humankind-loving Sersi, Kumail Nanjiani as cosmic-powered Kingo, Lauren Ridloff as the super-fast Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry as the rational discoverer Phastos, Salma Hayek as the wise and spiritual leader Ajak, Lia McHugh as the eternally young, old-soul Sprite, Don Lee as the powerful Gilgamesh, Barry Keoghan as aloof loner Druig, and Angelina Jolie as the intense warrior Thena. Kit Harington frisks Dane Whitman.
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