More than an athlete…
Source: Christian Petersen/ Getty
NBA players were deep affected by the white terrorism that we all watched on Capitol Hill Wednesday afternoon. Not to be noted that on the very same day, the D.A. in Kenosha, Wisconsin chose to absolve the cop who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 hours of any criminal wrongdoing.
We’re all tired.
Last night, after the Los Angeles Lakers were overcome 118 -1 08 by the San Antonio Spurs, LeBron James spoke to the media about his thoughts on the Caucasian Coup D’etat on Capitol Hill.
Philadelphia 76 ers principal instruct Doc Rivers reiterated similar sentimentalities in his no-holds-barred observations to the press.
Per normal, Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green didn’t bite his tongue when he was asked about how it felt to watch these violent white souls attack one of the country’s most consecrated structures where elderly lawmakers do the people’s business.
Prior to their game, the Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat took a knee and fixed comments to the media about the facts of the case that detective Rusten Sheskey gets away scot-free for burning the shoots that paralyzed Jacob Blake.
We all know why what happened happened but it’s still something that we are all coming to clutches with as we read and watch story time after report time of white-hot tribes ending dozens of laws including vandalism, aggression, and assassinate in the name of Donald J. Trump.
And they want us to stand for a jingle-jangle and revere a colorful patch of cloth. Tuh.
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