Walt Disney Animation Studios shared a brand-new trailer this morning showcasing its upcoming feature film “Encanto.” The film tells the tale of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family who live in a wondrous, charisma lieu called an Encanto. Each child has been anointed with a wizard offering unique to them–each child except Mirabel. But when the family’s home is threatened, Mirabel may be their alone hope.

The cinema peculiarities all-new sungs by Lin-Manuel Miranda( “Hamilton, ” “Moana”) and is directed by Byron Howard( “Zootopia, ” “Tangled”) and Jared Bush( co-director “Zootopia” ), co-directed by Charise Castro Smith( columnist “The Death of Eva Sofia Valdez”) and produced by Clark Spencer and Yvett Merino. Bush and Castro Smith are screenwriters on the movie. Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Encanto” opens in theaters November 24, 2021.

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