Coming off their almost month-long anniversary celebration, Behaviour Interactive is releasing a new 5.1.0 update for Dead by Daylight, which will bring a plethora of changes to survivors, executioners, and gameplay in general to all players except those on Nintendo Switch. For PC, Xbox, and PlayStation actors, the update travelled live today( July 27) at 11 a. m. EST. Nintendo Switch useds will have to wait a little longer for an updated version to smack their game.

Dead by Daylight has had quite a year so far, even before their 5th Anniversary celebration. This year, one of the new material sections was a Dead by Daylight and Resident Evil crossover. The Resident Evil chapter produced iconic and fan-favorite attributes to the game: survivors Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine( Chris Redfield and Claire Redfield with cosmetics for those working survivors ), and gunman Nemesis with AI zombies and can pollute survivors with the T-virus. The assembly also introduced a new Dead by Daylight map, the Raccoon City Police Station. The planned was immediately pulled due to causing in-game gate-crashes but has since been reenabled for live games, though provides for the delineate are still disabled.

Related: How Dead by Daylight Created the Ultimate Horror Crossover[ EXCLUSIVE ]

Yesterday on Twitter, Dead by Daylight announced that an updated version would not be available for those with the game on Nintendo Switch. The conclude is solely for Behavior Interactive to address performance issues that are still affecting Switch consoles even with the update enabled. Regrettably, this will affect other aspects of the game for Switch participates. They will not be able to use crossplay and will not have access to the new Tome/ Rift until the update is available. However, Dead by Daylight is extending the duration of the Rift by one week to accommodate this, Switch players is likely to be offering Bloodpoints and Rift Fragments when the update releases, and Switch actors will still get access to the upcoming Bloodhunt.

With the update being pushed today for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC, players will see both gameplay alters, visual modifications, and concert deepens, which will hopefully imply fewer the questions and sounds in-game. The biggest Dead by Daylight reforms are coming to The Trickster and the visual alterations of survivors Meg, David, Nea, and Claudette. The Trickster is checking reasonably of an overhaul: the number of knives he now has to touched survivors with to cause harm is 6 , not 8, his main event activation time is shorter and his main event can now last three times as long. That doesn’t include the reworking of his add-ons. Meg, David, Nea, and Claudette received informs to their character visuals to make their look better and more contemplative of the current realism design Behavior is focusing on with reputations. They are likewise altering seminars, improving the HUD, and changing the system on how a smack/ pallet slip is evaluated on each side in-game.

Updates are always welcomed in sports but specifically in Dead by Daylight. “Thats a lot” of faults and sounds that have solely been hitting console musicians hard-bitten. To compensate for this, the undo sanction for participates was turned off. While this is beneficial for those who accidentally undo, it has caused a plethora of intentional undoes, disheartening survivors and gunmen for multiple concludes. Hopefully, with these ties, it represents the penalty can be turned back on.

The 5.1.0 revise is a strong effort by Behavior and Dead by Daylight to show they sounds players, consider the question, and want to fix them. Though it is super unfortunate that musicians on Nintendo Switch are not going to have access to the update or crossplay until it is enabled, it can be assumed that participates would rather have an update the reparations questions of the game , not compute more. Located on Dead by Daylight saying they’re extending the Rift by a week to accommodate this, it is a fair assumption that they are aiming for a week delay after the Rift starts.

Next: Dead by Daylight: How to Play The 5th Anniversary Blood Hunt

Dead by Daylight is available on Xbox Series X/ S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, PC, Switch, and Stadia.

Source: Dead by Daylight/ Twitter, Dead by Daylight

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