In the new Chucky television series, an rustic American town is thrown into chaos after a antique ‘Good Guy’ doll turns up at a suburban yard sale. Soon, everyone must grapple with a series of horrifying murders that begin to expose the town’s deep hypocrisies and disguised mysteries. Meanwhile, friends and foes from Chucky’s past slink back into his life and threaten to expose the truth behind his mysterious starts as a seemingly everyday child who somehow became this notorious monster.

Chucky generated by UCP and manager produced by creator Don Mancini, David Kirschner, Nick Antosca, and Alex Hedlund. Harley Peyton will too serve as executive creator. Mancini, who written the cinema right, wrote the television adaptation, will send the first chapter, and helps as showrunner.

Chucky premieres October 12 th at 10 pm on USA& SYFY.


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