I pasted the below from the video description because it seemed better than are seeking to paraphrase:

” This is about honeybee or Apis Dorsata. This’ billow’ is implemented against wasps and is referred to as’ shimmering’ behaviour or justification curl. Bees in the outer mantle thrust their abdomens 90 deg in an uphill attitude and shake them in a synchronous mode. This may be accompanied by stroking of the offstages. The signal is transmitted to nearby workers that likewise adopt the posture, thus creating a noticeable, and audible’ rippling’ gist across the face of the comb.

These wave-like decorations repel wasps that get too close to the dens of these bees and serve to confuse the wasp. In turn, the wasp cannot fixate on captivating one bee or coming menu from the bees’ nest, so the wasp will seek to find easier target and leave this nest alone .”

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