The new DC comics Batman animated movie is arriving in Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s Batman: Soul of the Dragon. The Batman movie released a new time featuring Bruce Wayne( David Guintoli) moving the arduous trek to find O-Sensei( James Hong) and his mysterious martial arts training school.

This time comes after the Batman movie trailer offered a brand-new tantalize at the Batman martial arts movie. Batman: Soul of the Dragon is our first Batman 2021 movie release, coming on January 12, 2021 on Digital and January 26, 2021 on 4K Combo Pack& Blu-ray.

An all-new original enlivened film, Batman: Soul Of The Dragon does a deep dive into Elseworlds vibes by position Batman in the midst of the shift 1970 s. Faced with a deadly danger from his past, and along with his instructor O-Sensei, Bruce Wayne must enter the help of three onetime classmates – world-renowned martial artists Richard Dragon, Ben Turner and Lady Shiva – to battle the ogres of this world and beyond. The cinema is rated R for some violence.

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