By SwimSwam Contributors on SwimSwam

Courtesy: Elizabeth Wickham

Dear Swim Mom,

I need your help. My mom and dad used to come to all my practices and sit and watch in the stands. They can’t now because of the new settles because of COVID-1 9. I was one of the only kids to have their parents there every day. They feel like they are helping out by volunteering and introducing Starbucks to the coach, but I feel like they are taking over my crew. Then at meets, they squeal for me so aloud it’s embarrassing. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but how can I get them to stop?

-Embarrassed Swimmer

Dear Embarrassed Swimmer,

First, thank you for reaching out to me. I’m sure your letter may offset other parents “ve realized that” that their actions may fluster their adolescents, very. As a parent who loved to help out at matches and volunteer for our crew, I thoughts I was helping the team survive and didn’t bother to think if my activities altered my girls.

We need to be reminded that swimming is our children’s sport. Although we want to be supportive and involved, there should be a limit to our involvement if we are negatively affecting our children. My adolescents never was just telling me that I flustered them until after they left age group swimming. I choose they would have spoken up, but I’m sure they felt like you and didn’t want to hurt my feelings.

As for heartening at meets, I’m sure your mom and dad are excited and love to watch you swim. Parents in the stands can go a little crazy. When or if you swim in college, you’ll find they can be even more enthusiastic complete with indicates, silly props and organizations. If you indeed find them so annoying that it hurts your performance or accentuates you out, the one thing to do is make them know. They demand what is best for you and will most likely follow your make or admonition. To stick with swimming, it has to be fun for you. Mothers do not want to be the reason for “youre going to” not enjoy it.

If you don’t believe you can talk to your parents, maybe you can talk to your coach. Your coach most likely would be supportive of your position and may have ideas. For example, your tutor may miss other parents to take over some of your parents’ volunteer jobs and spread the voluntary hours around.

I hope I was helpful and thank you again for your character. It’s eye-opening for me as a former age group parent.

What advice do you have for Embarrassed Swimmer?

If you have a question for Ask Swim Mom, delight email Elizabeth Wickham at ewickham @me. com.

Elizabeth Wickham volunteered for 14 times on her kids’ club team as members of the security council, fundraiser, newsletter journalist and “Mrs. assemble manager.” She’s a novelist with a bachelor of arts degree in editorial journalism from the University of Washington with a long career in public relations, market and publicize. Her fibs have appeared in newspapers and stores including the Los Angeles Times, Orange County Parenting and Ladybug. You can read more parenting gratuities on her blog.

Read the full narrative on SwimSwam: Ask Swim Mom: My Parents Embarrass Me

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