There’s something peculiarly maudlin about Alien Hominid, one of video games at the peak of the Flash scene in the early 2000 s. And now, it’s about to come back in an all-new adventure titled Alien Hominid Invasion. From developer The Behemoth comes a “reimagination of the original Alien Hominid HD” with brand-new auto-mechanics and gameplay. Currently, it’s unknown when it will release or which consoles we can expect it to come to. It’s simply been confirmed for PC and “consoles, ” with the specific ones unspecified. Those attending PAX East 2020 will be able to get their hands on a playable account of Alien Hominid Invasion at the end of February.
Here’s a brief 40 -second trailer for the new tournament below 😛 TAGEND
Alien Hominid Invasion will serve as The Behemoth’s fifth competition following Pit People, which released for Xbox One and PC in 2018. While the studio did garner a reputation for Alien Hominid in 2004, the team rose to fame when it exhausted the XBLA game Castle Crashers in 2008. It became one of the hottest Xbox 360 recreations and was one of “the worlds leading” indies of the time. The Behemoth last-minute remastered Castle Crashers for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
More knowledge were related to Alien Hominid Invasion is likely to be launched during PAX East 2020, which runs from February 27 th- March 1st. Actors will also get to go hands-on with it at EGX Rezzed in London at the end of March.
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The original Alien Hominid started as a Flash browser game but came to PS2, GameCube, Xbox, and a number of other platforms. It’s often is comparable with competitions like Metal Slug, wherein you must run left to right while smashing antagonists apart. It too peculiarity two-player cooperative romp, though, it’s unclear if this will be added in the upcoming Invasion.
[ Source: The Behemoth]
The post Alien Hominid Invasion is The Behemoth’s 5th Game, a Reimagining of the Original Alien Hominid materialized first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
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