Note:” Words of Love from Above” will be a series of characters that I would imagine a love Heavenly Father might write to you, His dear child. If you are unpleasant with that notion, imagine Life, or The Universe, Truth or Karma, Mother Earth, Mother Teresa, or Mother Goose, for that matter, is writing the letter. But for me, it is a loving God reaching down to His sons and daughters as I is believed that contact looks a lot like in words.
My Dear Child,
Are you happy? Are you truly, actually, deep joyous? Can you experience what might be called Soul Satisfaction? Are you at peace?
Is your heart filled with love? Do you wake up grateful for the opportunity to live yet another date? Are you driven to make a difference? Are you proliferating and developing and unfolding as you seek a good life? Do you experience your life and feel blessed to be alive?
I want that for you more than you can possibly know. I crave you to wake up excited about living, hopeful for your future, in love with those around you, living a life of purpose, symbolizing, glee and goodness.
Do you wonder why I care so much about your merriment? Perhaps you have heard that all I care about is how good or obedient you are. Well, it’s true-life that I care about your goodness and your ready adherence to everlasting truths.
Life is simply lived better that path. You can then steer clear of moral and spiritual hazards and the needless anguish that accompanies falling off moral faces with all the attendant spiritual and psychological forks of such falls.
But I also care very deeply about the amount of joy you experience. I be concerned about your happiness.
And for two very good reasons.
1. You are my child, obligated in my persona.
How could I not be concerned about your happy? My perfect love for you commiserates for it. My love drives my lust that you live an raised life of joy.
But happiness exists only at the end of correct principles properly applied. In other terms, I can’t cause your prosperity without violate My nature, everlasting guiding principles and universal Truths.
I won’t frustrate the very purpose of your world now. That would offset me less than I Am. It would also prevent you from becoming all that you can become.
You are here to learn, to grow, to practice living a good life-time, after all. I can point the way, of course, but can’t give you what the hell are you didn’t earn.
Otherwise, your happy “wouldve been” but a incorrect image of something that needs to become a living part of you, the natural idiom of who you are, to have any persist power.
To give you happiness as an unearned and undeveloped endow is to paint you something you haven’t yet become.
It would be like giving you an income without a chore or muscles without practice, or sense without event or lore without campaign. The foundation to sustain the offering would never be further developed. And so the talent is eventually crumble to ashes.
I would not rob you of the swelling that predates happiness as it’s properly tried. As you work on your happiness, you evolve, you develop, you change. You become something you weren’t. Your identity is refined and your attribute is honed.
Only then can you become a happy person, rather than exactly all individuals who sporadically experiences happiness.
Do you participate the difference?
A person who experiences happiness is dependent on life events that set themselves such that you are made happy. Outside pressures deliver the fortunate moment.
But a glad being makes their joy into life’s events, internalizing the principles of happiness, living them even when life’s contexts don’t arrange themselves so happily.
So, I can navigate you, motivate you, convenience and strengthen you on your tour when you feel prone, feeble or lost. But I can’t produce inside of you what you haven’t created.
As my child, I crave what is best for you. And prosperity is certainly best for you. But it is impossible to be further developed , not knack , not established from good-for-nothing , not spouted into you like so much water spewed into a flask.
( Follow this link to read more about 7 basic habits that are commonly shared by the happiest people)
But there’s another reason I care so much about how happy you are.
2. Happiness is more than an feelings good; Happiness is a moral good.
Here’s the truth no one likes to say out loud: Happy beings are more likely to be good people.
Happy beings tend to be more patient and loving, more generous, granting and kind.
Happy beings are better children and better parents than their discontented counterparts. They are more likely to be better employers and employees, better grandparents, friends and neighbors.
Happy parents, for example, don’t yell at their children as much. They are more patient, spend more time with them and are kinder to their children than depressed, agitated, annoyed or chronically angry parents.
Happy parents have the psychological wherewithal to be in the moment with and for their boys, experiencing them, be concentrated on them, learn them, desiring them, forgiving them, being patient with their gaffes, forgetting their idiosyncrasies, celebrating their accomplishments, creating a safe place for them to fall down, mess things up and otherwise falter on their course to mastery, betterment, growing and maturity.
It’s not that disappointed people are bad parties, mind you, but that they do not have the feeling presence effectively addressing frustrating circumstances.
And so happy parties are more likely to raise happier children who will more likely than not, develop happier children in turn, who then will have a greater likelihood of living more reinforcing men doing more good to more people.
I hope you can now clearly receive the link, that gaiety is more than a delight thing. It’s more than feelings. It’s more than an issue that merely affects your emotional state. It’s more than a personal issue of the heart.
It’s a moral issue. It’s a courage publish.
Happiness affects how we recall and how we behave. It affects our relationships, our productivity and our ability to see and care about the requirements of others.
Unhappy parties are paradoxically devoured with themselves, which is an inherently selfish path to live. The life revolves around them, their feelings, how others are treating them, how others are responsible for their unhappiness.
Happy parties, on the other hand, are more giving, more compassionate, more charitable, and more loving.
People treat others worse when they are unhappy. They plow others better when they are filled with joy.
It is easier being married to a glad being than a chilled or irritable one. It is easier being the son or daughter of a happy father than it is to an annoyed father.
Homes are filled with an entirely different spirit when mothers are fulfilled, fulfilled, self-confident, desiring and kind–all components of a joyou life.
There is, hence, a moral duty I place on you to seek out happiness, to search for the principles upon which happiness is the natural outcome, and to actively work to develop those mannerisms and characteristics within you.
( Click here to read about those reputation characteristics that are needed for a fortunate man)
A Nudge, Not a Judgement
Please don’t interpret this letter as a guilt trip. I know that some will. But I can’t hide the truth because some may read into it what I never intended.
This is a letter of motivating. It is a map that places your happiness at its middle. It is a illuminated in the shimmer darkness boldly proclaiming that soul was never meant to stay dark.
It is a nudge in the right direction, one that accepts the reality of life–that delight interests tremendously, that your joy materials tremendously, and that it matters because I be concerned about you and because I be concerned about all the persons who treated with you.
And so I want you to be happy for your own sake … and for others’.
Now to Help
But as you seek joy, don’t forget that I am here to guide you along the way.
I will uncover the path to happiness as you step out into the dimly lighted move that should contribute to it. I will cause you and uplift you and reminded the committee and take you by the hand to lead you to more happiness than “youve been” guessed possible.
Have faith in Me and you will find the power to have more faith in yourself.
It’s Your Mountain to Climb
But you have to do the moving. You “re going to have to” do the descending. You can’t pray for happiness, then be participating in the couch watching TV until I come to your front opening and entrust you the gift.
It can’t work that way.
But as you develop the traits that induce merriment, you’ll realize you are able to never rightfully miss it in any other way.
It will make part. Sometimes you will want to give up. Your nature may hurt. Your mind may hurt. Your soul may gasp for air.
But remember, your path to merriment is go you through bumpy country, on a wander to self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-development. You are forging a attribute. And courage is exclusively ultimately forged in the furnace of great heat.
I will lighten your load as you trying to reach me and ask for guidance, but your spiritual and moral and psychological muscles must be exercised, developed and strengthened as you do the work of happiness.
Please don’t be too discouraged as you do “whos working”, because it is work. Just as physical muscles don’t grow over night, so feelings maturity, spiritual awareness, character increase, and prosperity take time too.
So be patient and take it a stair at a time.
A Promise
In the end, as you prosecute more delight to the development of greater equanimity, desire, forgiveness and kindness, find more purpose and meaning in your life, and fill your thoughts will gratitude, the door to your prosperity will open.
You will then determine the inkling of sunlight. And then you will be able to open what may have been fastened or only partially seen by you before. Then the door to prosperity will be flung open widely. Then you will see clearly what you have been missing all along.
And then you will be truly, genuinely, passionately happy.
I care intensely about your happiness. Now you know why. I hope that matters to you. But most importantly, I hope that members can do something about it.
I’ll be waiting behind that opening for you when you come knocking.
With more Love than you can imagine, Father.
( Please let me know what you think in the comments below)
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