If you’re incessantly lending brand-new products to your online store, you’ll need to find an effective way to promote them. This can help keep your site fresh and active, and may also lead to more marketings. Fortunately, the Newest Products WooCommerce block enables you to easily display your latest parts anywhere on your site.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Newest Products block, and establish you how to add it to your website. We’ll also discuss some best practises for using it effectively.

Let’s get started!

How to Add the Newest Products WooCommerce Block to Your Post or Page

The Newest Products block helps you display the most recent pieces in your WooCommerce store. This can help you generate interest in your latest products and increase conversions.

To use this block, open the page or post where you want to display your newest offerings. Then click on the plus sign (+) to add a new block, and use the search bar to look for the Newest Products alternative 😛 TAGEND

Adding the Newest Products block

Once you positioned the block, you’ll identify a grid with your recent pieces 😛 TAGEND

The Newest Products WooCommerce block in the Block Editor

Note that this block is only available if you have a WooCommerce store. If WooCommerce is activated on your area, you’ll likewise get access to all the other WooCommerce blocks in the WordPress Block Editor.

Newest Products WooCommerce Block Settings and Option

By default, this block displays the past nine pieces you’ve added to your place. It also shows the main details about each product, including the title and premium for each as well as an portrait and a Call To Action( CTA) button.

Fortunately, you have the option to change some of these settings. If you click on the block, you’ll ascertain a small toolbar above it 😛 TAGEND

The Newest Products Block toolbar settings

Let’s look at each alternative in this menu 😛 TAGEND

Change block type or wording: You can convert this element into a Group or Columns block, or another WooCommerce block such as Best Selling Concoction and On Sale Products. Reform adjustment: You can choose a full thicknes or wide width layout for this block. Options: You can copy the block, group it, contributed it to your Reusable Blocks, or remove it.

You’ll also find some additional places in the left-hand panel. For example, you can choose to show more concoctions( or fewer) by adjusting the number of members of pillars and rows 😛 TAGEND

The layout settings for the Newest Products WooCommerce block

In the Content section, you can hide certain details about the products, such as its ratings 😛 TAGEND

The content settings for the Newest Products WooCommerce block

Under Filter by Product Category, you have the option to only display the latest pieces in a particular category 😛 TAGEND

Newest Products block category filter

You can also choose more than one category if you prefer. For example, if you select Clothing and Accessories, the block will merely display the newest produces in those two categories.

Finally, there’s an Advanced settings option. This enables you to add new CSS courses to the block and customize it further.

Gratuity and Best Tradition for Using the Newest Products WooCommerce Block Effectively

As we have seen, the Newest Products WooCommerce block enables you to display the latest items in your place. You can also filter your newest commodities by category.

Some of your loyal patients may inspect your site from time to time to see if you’ve contributed any brand-new produces. Therefore, we recommend that you use this block in prominent areas of your store, such as your home page or a dedicated’ What’s New !’ page 😛 TAGEND

The Newest Products WooCommerce block on the front end

By default, the grid exposes an Add to cart button for all the items. While you have the option to remove this element, we don’t recommend it. When these buttons are available, pilgrims can browse through your newest products and computed items to their carts as they go along, without having to leave the page. This creates a more seamless patronize know, and encourages impulse purchases.

Finally, we recommend that you exclusively expose the most recent additions to your locate. Filling up an part sheet with your newest concoctions may overtake customers. This block enables you to add up to 36 items, but we’d suggest displaying ten or fewer unless your accumulation is very large.

Often Asked Questions about the Newest Products WooCommerce Block

So far, we’ve submerge the most important things you need to know about the Newest Products WooCommerce block. However, you may still have some questions about this feature- let’s answer them now.

Can I Update the Product Details Inside the Block?

Unfortunately , no. If you’d like to update the information about your newest makes, including their costs and images, you’ll need to spawn those modifies from the Produces page within your dashboard.

Can I Exclude Some Product From the Block?

With the Newest Products block, you can select the product list( or lists) that you wish to promote. However, you don’t have the option to exclude special makes from the grid.

Can I Add More Information About the Products, or Change the CTA?

Unlike some of the other WooCommerce blocks, Newest Concoction is a bit restrictive when it comes to customization. For example, you don’t have the option to include product descriptions in the grid.

You may also be wondering if it’s possible to change the CTA. For example, instead of an Add to Cart button, you might prefer to feature a View Product option. The latter is only available if the item is a collection( rather than a single concoction ):

CTA options for the Newest Products block

However, it’s worth noting that every image in the grid links to the relevant product page. Therefore, users who want to an part can simply click on it, and they’ll be directed to more information.


The Newest Products WooCommerce block enables you to display the latest components in your collect. This can be a powerful way to promote brand-new commodities and keep your site see fresh.

As we have seen, this block gives you display your newest concoctions by list. It too comes with dedicated CTA buttons, so a customers who is interested in a particular item can simply include it to their cart without leaving the page.

Do you have any questions about how to use the Newest Products block in WooCommerce? Let us know in the comments section below!

Featured Image via 4zevar/ shutterstock.com

The post How to Use the Newest Products WooCommerce Block performed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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