The composer wastes a restful epoch cooking, going the dogs and playing Bach on the piano

How does Sunday start? With the alarm clock not vanishing off, which is spectacular. I’ve had a lifelong obsession with sleep: I desire how projects are clarified overnight, that fresh start in the morning. On Sundays I can revel myself wholly. Breakfast consists of fresh eggs from our chickens cooked a variety of ways. It’s my favourite dinner of the day, without question.

Do you have a busy schedule? With a bit of fluke there’s nothing in the diary. Dogs need sauntering, chickens need tending, and there’s food to pick in the plot. But in lockdown, with more season, I’m finding myself at the piano. After plodding through the stilts of Bach sheet music( the best ever written ), I sit and play. Connecting to a younger explanation of myself, who did this all the time, has become a medicinal experience.

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