Manage all your passwords with this clever subscription

TL ;D R: A one-year subscription to a Dashlane Password Manager Premium Plan is on sale for PS22. 97 as of August 13, saving you 50% on list price.

Attention internet: if everybody takes a few basic steps towards beefing up their passwords, the internet will become a safer place for all. By that, we want exerting complex combinations of characters, numbers, and representations, and adding two-factor authentication to everything.

Oh, you don’t feel like doing that? No dwells, Dashlane Password Manager can do it for you. And you can get a subscription for an entire year on sale for 50% off for a limited time.

SEE ALSO: Access more than 600 online trends for under PS50 Read more …

More about Password, Password Manager, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Uk, and Uk Deals

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