Netflix releases a trailer for The Highwaymen, in which Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelsonhunt down two of America’s most loathsome crimes, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. The crime drama examines the perspectives of two real-life Texas Rangers, while less attention to the Depression-era oppositions who killed at least nine police officer and four civilians while cheating banks throughout the United States.

In 1967, Arthur Penn released the film Bonnie and Clyde, which helped kick off the New Hollywood movement and further glamorized Parker and Barrow. Over the years, photos age-old and new have romanticized the bank robbers’ affinity, which terminated hastily once they are shot down on May 23, 1934 in Louisiana. Parker was 23 -years-old at the time of her extinction, and Barrow was 25. In 2017, a previously unpublished photo rose which purportedly demonstrates Bonnie and Clyde hugging in Joplin, Missouri, shortly before they were tracked down. After 102 daylights of actively following the bank pirates, Texas Ranger Frank Hamer and his six-man posse ultimately set the duo and shot over 100 rounds. In The Highwaymen, directed by John Lee Hancock( The Blind Side ), Costner depicts Hamer and Harrelson co-stars as fellow Ranger Maney Gault.

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Today, Netflix released The Highwaymen’s trailer, which begins with some light-hearted banter between Costner and Harrelson’s courages as they discuss their combat wounds and health. From there, the clip instals the relevant narrative context, while acquainting government officials like Kathy Bates’ Ma Ferguson and John Carroll Lynch’s Lee Simmons. By the second largest half, the trailer items the painstaking investigative efforts of both Hamer and Gault, all the while exercising immediate revises to briefly demonstrate Bonnie and Clyde. Overall, The Highwaymen trailer prioritizes attitude over flamboyant visuals, along with the intrinsic threat faced by the titular lead characters. In the last shot, Harrelson declares: “Clyde may be King, but I’m a Texas Ranger.” See the trailer and advertisement below.

In 1993, Hancock collaborated with Costner for the Clint Eastwood drama A Perfect World. The road cinema recounts a Texas Ranger’s pursuit of a imprison, and Hancock wrote the dialogue. While The Highwaymen has a same proposition, the tale was written by John Fusco, the scribe behind the Billy the Kid movies Young Guns and Young Guns II. Fusco apparently sloped The Highwaymen over a decade ago, hoping to removed more light on the Bonnie and Clyde case by telling Hamer’s story. The Highwaymen is set to premiere at South by Southwest next month and will debut on Netflix soon after.

With two has developed and relevant suns in Costner and Harrelson, The Highwaymen has the potential to be more than just another Western. In add-on, both Hancock and Fusco have the resumes to suggest that Frank Hamer’s story is in good hands.

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Source: Netflix

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