There are 33 species of pinnipeds living in the world today, most of which are known as seals. They array hugely in length, from the monstrou southern elephant close, which can weigh more than a pickup truck, to the relatively slim, 100 -pound Baikal seal.
But while there are many differences among the species, they share a few affinities, too. For pattern, all closes have feet shaped like fins. All of them are considered semi-aquatic marine mammals. And all of them know how to have fun.
In fact, they’re goofing around very often, photographers often get caught literally rolling in laughter as if they’ve merely overheard the best joke ever. Don’t believe me? Continue scrolling and take a look for yourself. Just be careful, their humour is so infectious, you might catch it as well!
To find out more about these merriment animals, Bored Panda contacted Leonie Sophia van den Hoek, a scientific and fantasy writer who’s a naval biologist and scientific researcher with a late fervour for anything related to the sea, oceans, coral, and mammals.
“The diversity of seals is greatest in seasonally ice-covered oceans where health risks of predation is minimise, ” Leonie clarified. “Simply said, they like cold-water environments. A majority of them live in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. Harbor, ringed, ribbon, discerned, and bearded closes, as well as northern fur closes, live in the Arctic region.”
When asked about what she considers actually defines these exceptional people, the scientist returned to their name. “‘Pinnipeds’ comes from the Latin ‘pinna’ and ‘pedis, ‘ meaning ‘feather-footed’ or ‘fin-footed, ‘ referring to the paddle-like fore and hind wings. There are many different types of shuts, like shuts with and without ears, fur seals, even harbour shuts … but what they all have in common is their fin or feather feet that they depend on.”
Also, Leonie led our attention to the fact that pinnipeds are considered semi-aquatic marine mammals and they must spend some time on district or sea ice.
When it comes to the seals’ laughter, nonetheless, Leonie was absolutely ruthless. “I really don’t want to destroy the recreation of receiving smiling shuts, but there is no technical proof that they are actually smiling. The purposes of most seals’ cavities are permanently curled upward. This can create the semblance of a smile or grin and it looks very charming … but the truth is that they are opening their mouth for most likely a yawn.”
“Watching shuts is a lot of amusing and quite interesting, ” the scientist supplemented. “Seals may examine charming, like fin-footed puppies, but you should not approach them. Seals have a strong pierce which is able keep even a pit polouse to shame. So my advice is to take photos of them laughing from a distance and when you accompany a shut puppy alone on the shore, don’t approach him. Sometimes the parent goes into the water to hunt and even though the babe might ogle lonely or undesirable, the best thing to do is to call a adjacent seal extricate center.”
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Image recognitions: Veronica Craft
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Image ascribes: Kjell-erik Moseid
Image recognitions: chubbysealsarecute
Image ascribes: Roie Galitz
Image approvals: cinziareichhart
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Image recognitions: Lloyd Durham
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Image recognitions: marie_j_adamson
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