The Mariner( Kevin Costner) encounters the Smokers, led by the Deacon( Dennis Hopper ), aboard their tanker after they’ve abducted Enola( Tina Majorino ). How will they manage to escape intact?

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Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper and Jeanne Tripplehorn star in a turbocharged action-adventure epic, unmatched in sheer thrill and heart-pounding suspense. In this futuristic thriller, Earth is covered with water and the human race fights to survive on dilapidated barges and improvised moving metropolitans. Costner represents a itinerant who becomes caught up in the struggle between the evil Deacon( Hopper) and a child’s secret key to a wondrous neighbourhood called “Dryland.” With freshening feeling, groundbreaking special effects and awe-inspiring action, Waterworld designates a splendid high watermark for ingenious, thrill-packed entertainment.

(c) 1995 Universal Studios. All Claims Reserved.
Cast: Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Tripplehorn
Produced By: John Davis, Andrew Licht, Kevin Costner, Charles Gordon, Gene Levy
Directed By: Kevin Reynolds

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