When Purge Night comes around, you better be on your best behavior … otherwise the candy daughters may come slapping!

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It has been two years since Leo Barnes( FRANK GRILLO) stopped himself from a shameful behave of avenge on Purge Night — the 12 hours of lawlessness. This time, the annual practice comes at the eve of a hot presidential election with the person profoundly divided between those who are pro— and anti—Purge. As head of security for Senator Charlie Roan( ELIZABETH MITCHELL ), Leo’s mission is to protect her during her controversial and raced run for president. But when a betrayal pressures them onto the streets of Washington, D.C. on the one night when no help is available, they must stay alive or both be relinquished for their blasphemies against the state.

(c) 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mykelti Williamson
Produced By: Jason Blum, Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller, Sebastien K. Lemercier
Written& Directed By: James DeMonaco

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