One Night in Miami | Amazon Prime Video

I am currently suffering from The Crown withdrawal after finishing Season 4, and( like pretty much everyone) predicting we’ll see Emmy nominations for Gillian Anderson( Margaret Thatcher) and Josh O’Connor( Prince Charles ). Also I’m exceedingly on board with this suggestion that Erin Doherty deserves her own Princess Anne spinoff series( please get on this asap, Netflix ). She’s spectacular.

I’m not quite ready to commit to a new streaming successions more so went to the backlog of movies I have queued up; I tried to get into Queen’s Gambit but candidly, I don’t get the hype about that movie, the dialogue is so clunky. I even exited so far as to open an actual physical record yesterday( lol) before restarting Season 1 of The Crown( hi Claire Foy and John…

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