In the video report above, journalist Glenn Greenwald develops on a recent expose’1 he published in which he accuses the U.S. authority of downplaying the capabilities of the Afghan security forces trained by the U.S. military.

“Using the same deceitful tricks they pioneered in Vietnam, U.S. political and military officials frequently misled the country about the prospects for success in Afghanistan, ” Greenwald writes. 2

He points out how chairpeople over the past 20 years are systematically announced succes over the Taliban and Al Qaeda and boasted about what a very good job the U.S. is doing in training and fortifying the Afghan Security Forces.

Most recently, July 8, 2021, President Biden contended a Taliban takeover was essentially inconceivable and that “the Afghan government and leadership … clearly have the capacity to sustain the authorities concerned in place.”

A Miscalculation of Epic Proportions

When a reporter questioned Biden to comment on intelligence reports warning that the Afghan government would likely collapse, Biden was quick to disclaim it, saying “That is not true. They did not — they didn’t — have not yet reached that conclusion.” He too stated that “the likelihood that there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” In his article, Greenwald goes on: 3

“And then, in an exchange that will likely assume historic importance in terms of its sheer inaccuracy from a presidential rostrum, Biden problem this act 😛 TAGEND

Q. Mr. President, some Vietnamese ex-servicemen watch resonates of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you ensure any similarities between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling —

THE PRESIDENT: None whatsoever. Zero. What “youve had” is — you had entire brigades transgressing through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken.

The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely analogous in terms of capability. There’s going to be no context where you receive beings being promoted off the roof of an delegation in the — of the United District from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”

If you’ve watched the story over the past several days, you know those statements did not age well, as the Taliban took over the presidential palace in Kabul and U.S. delegation personnel were helicoptered off the roof in a rushed evacuation4 after the security forces surrendered to the Taliban without a fight.

A Lie Repeated Does Not Make It True

July 21, 2021, General Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared “there’s a potential of a ended Taliban takeover, ” but still insisted that the Afghan Security Forces “have the capacity to sufficiently fight and attack their country.”

Eight years ago, in September 2013, Milley territory the Afghan Security Forces “have been very, very effective in engagement against the rebels every single day.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also gone on record, 5 mere months back, denouncing fears that U.S. withdrawal would deteriorate the security picture in Afghanistan, and even if it did, it has not been able to appear anytime soon.

“None of this was true, ” Greenwald writes. 6 “It was always a lie, designed first to justify the U.S.’s endless occupation of that country and, then, formerly the U.S. was positioned to withdraw, to invent a satisfy fairy tale about why the prior twenty years were not, at best, an breathe waste.

That these allegations were false cannot be reasonably quarrelled as the world watches the Taliban take over all of Afghanistan as if the vaunted’ Afghan national security forces’ were chinas dolls working paper weapons.

But how do we know that these statements realized over such courses of two decades were actual lies rather than simply wildly wrong contends delivered with honesty? To starting with, we have seen these tricks from U.S. officials — lying to the American public about struggles to justify both their initiation and resumption — over and over.”

Greenwald goes on to review how the Vietnam and Iraq campaigns were both predicated on complete manufacturings “disseminated by the intelligence community and endorsed by corporate media channels, ” and how political and military leaders lied about our chances of success.

It is simply inconceivable that Biden’s false affirmations last month about the aspirations of the Afghan military and police force were anything but purposeful.~ Glenn Greenwald

The Pentagon Papers, top secret certificates by armed planners, were published in june 1971, proving U.S. officials were far more pessimistic about the Vietnam war than admitted publicly. A similar cache of documents relating to Afghanistan were published by The Washington Post in 2019.7 Harmonizing to The Post, “U.S. officials forever said they were making progress. They is still not, and they knew it … ”

Was the Afghan War Nothing but a For-Profit Scheme?

For 20 years, U.S. generals have claimed they’re making headway in improve an Afghan army and national police force to defend the nation without foreign assistance.

In reality, military teaches “described the Afghan security forces as incompetent, unmotivated and rife with turncoats. They likewise accused Afghan officers of pocketing payments — paid by U.S. taxpayers — for tens of thousands of’ phantom soldiers, ’” The Post wrote. 8P TAGEND

According to The Post, documents and interviews not only affirmed public statements by U.S. presidents and military commanders, but proved such statements were intentional lies. Statistics and investigations were intentionally modified and manipulated at every turn to maintain the false appearance that progress was being made and that their own efforts was well worth it.

In reality, the part Afghan venture appears to have been little more than a for-profit scheme. In a July 2021 clause, independent correspondent Michael Tracey interviewed a U.S. ex-serviceman of the Afghan war who participated in the training programs of Afghan police and military: 9

“’I don’t ponder I could overstate that this was a system really mostly designed for funneling fund and squandering or losing gear, ’ he said.

In sum,’ as far as the U.S. military proximity there — I really deemed it as a big money funneling operation’: an endless money oppose for U.S. defence contractors and Afghan warlords, all of whom well known no real progress was being realise, precisely sucking up as much U.S. taxpayer fund as they could before the inevitable withdraw and takeover by the Taliban.”

Greenwald likewise points out that manifestation given to him by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden indicated the NSA was monitoring and recording every single cell phone call in five countries, including Afghanistan, performing it extremely unlikely the U.S. did not know the true state of affairs.

“There was virtually nothing that could happen in Afghanistan without the U.S. intelligence community’s knowledge. There is simply no way that they got everything so entirely wrong while innocently and sincerely trying to tell Americans the truth about what was happening there, ” Greenwald writes, 10 adding that, in the interests of available knowledge 😛 TAGEND

“It is simply inconceivable that Biden’s false statements last month about the aspirations of the Afghan military and police force were anything but intentional.”

Afghan Veteran Deep-seated Record Straight

In a recent MSNBC interview, Matt Zeller, a onetime first lieutenant in the Afghan war, onetime Afghan Security Coerces consultant and cofounder of a veteran’s organization called No One Left Behind, too alleged President Biden of telling “a bold-faced lie.”

According to Zeller, the U.S. military certainly has not planned for every contingency, as Biden allegations, and the White House has repeatedly rejected a blueprint for the safe and orderly removal of American personnel and wartime allies.

“I’m scandalized[ Biden] thinks we only need to make[ out] 2,000 people, ” Zeller says. “There are 86,000 beings currently left with in Afghanistan and we’ve linked all of them for the government.”

Are We Being Lied to About COVID Too?

By now you may be wondering where I’m going with this. After all, I’m not known for my political commentary. My point is this: If the U.S. authority routinely lies to protect monetary battle interests, could they tell lies about the COVID pandemic and facets thereof as well, and for the same reason?

Just like the military forces industrial composite misleads the public, the oil, pharmaceutical and bank manufactures pull strings and lie to the American public and spread publicity to maintain and growth their resource, ability and control.

Just as the U.S. government has been blatantly wrong about the key role in Afghanistan, they are equally, and just as blatantly, wrong about COVID-1 9 — its dangers, prevalence, prevention and treatment. This is clear for anyone willing to actually look at the science and the data.

Interestingly, in 2011, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange memorandum: “The purpose is to use Afghanistan to bathe money out of the tax bases of the U.S. and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the handwritings of a transnational protection society. The destination is an endless fighting , not a successful war.”1 1

Likewise, the goal of the pandemic does not appear to be to put an end to it. Preferably, biological menaces and pandemics are a new shape of struggle meant to continue in perpetuity, where the beneficiaries are both military members and corporate.

Truth May Be Slow to Emerge but Usually Prevails

However, just as their lies about Afghanistan are now blowing up in their faces, I suppose their lies about COVID will come back to chew them as well, eventually. For pattern, we’ve been repeatedly told that the COVID shots will impede canker a little better than natural illnes. 12

This flies in the face of everything we know, scientifically, 13 and data from around the world are now proving just how incorrect that argue is. In Israel, data present half of all COVID-1 9 infections are now among the perfectly vaccinated, 14 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations are among the fully inoculated and the fully injected likewise account for 95% of severely ill COVID-1 9 patients. 15

Overall, Israelis who have received the COVID jab are 6.72 times more likely to get infected than people who have recovered from natural infection. 16,17, 18 Among the 7,700 new COVID occurrences diagnosed so far during the current movement of infections that began in May 2021, 39% were inoculated, 1% had retrieved from a previous SARS-CoV-2 infectious diseases and 60% were neither inoculated nor previously infected.

In the U.S ., where health officials and the White House Administration are now insisting that we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated, ” with 95% of hospitalizations and 99% of deaths occurring among those who have refused the inoculation, 19 we find out that this is based on data from January through June 2021.20

January 1, 2021, merely 0.5% of the U.S. person had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots, 21 and as of June 30, 46.9% were “fully vaccinated.”2 2 Using data from a period when a majority of Americans have already been to get the shot is hardly honest and transparent.

What Sees Natural Immunity Superior?

The concept that natural exemption is superior to vaccine-induced immunity is easily understood when you consider the following questions: Viruses contain several different proteins. The COVID shot persuasions antibodies against only one of those proteins, the spike protein.

When you’re infected with the whole virus, on the other hand, you develop antibodies against all parts of the virus, plus recall T cells. So, rather than having time one small horde of narrowly-focused “soldiers” you end up with a very large army with a much wider range of attempt capability.

This also explains why natural immunity furnishes better protection against variants, as it recognizes several parts of the virus. If there are significant alternations to the spike protein, as with the Delta variant, vaccine-induced immunity can be sidestepped. Not so with natural immunity, as the other proteins are still recognized and attacked.

Not only that, but the COVID jabs actually actively promote the production of variants for which they provision virtually no protection at all, while those with natural exemption do not cause discrepancies and are nearly universally protected in them.

Follow the Money

The idea that COVID-1 9 is a for-profit enterprise is easy to recognize by the fact that we’re told vaccination is the only method forward, and that we’ll need booster shots on a regular basis from here on.

Combine that with vaccine passports, and it’s not hard to see how a never-ending injection treadmill can be generated, where you have to comply with the latest shot recommendations or relinquish your ability to freely go about your business and live your life.

Someone benefits from such a situation, and it surely isn’t the population at large. The beneficiaries are the pandemic industrial complex, which includes Big Pharma, Big Tech, big multinational investment firm and the military industrial composite, all of who the hell is vested in the profitability of these shots.

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