As we approach February, everyone is expecting Sony to be gearing up for the PlayStation 5 discover, and another leak reminders that the happening could be coming soon. PS5 console-exclusive Godfall was revealed by Gearbox at The Game Awards 2019. It was the first official PS5 game shown off, confirmed to be a launch title for Sony’s next-gen console. A opening on Reddit exposed some gameplay for the upcoming looter-slasher, albeit a very brief look.

[ GodFall][ Video]- Combat Footage( A Fraction of the footage from an Unreleased Trailer I have ) from r/ PS4

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The Reddit post says the six-second video is “a fraction of the footage from an unreleased trailer[ they] have, ” and demonstrates off four quick segments of gameplay with various references, enemies, and environment issues. It’s not clear if the footage is linear as it appeared in the mentioned trailer or scrapped and re-edited together to create this immediate clip.

Some speculation says this could be from the trailer Sony means on testify at its PS5 reveal event, but when pressed about it, the original poster demonstrated that the leaked footage is from an internal trailer from early 2019. Another user pointed out that the footage didn’t look next-gen, saying, “this footage clearly doesn’t show raytracing consequences. Doesn’t look as if it even exploits screen space thoughts( the blue orb things don’t reflect properly in the sea ). ” The leaker said that the gameplay is from March last year and shortage that polish.

Given the alleged senility of the trailer, it doesn’t seem likely that this is a fragment of what will be shown at the PS5 reveal event, but it does call into question why the leaker decided to post this old gameplay footage now of all times. To get a look at more recent officially exhausted gameplay footage, check out our interview with Godfall’s Creative Director, Keith Lee. That interrogation, while also going over how the game exploits next-gen tech, has a gif showing off Godfall terminated with raytracing consequences and screen cavity thinkings, much more indicative of what we’re likely to see at the PS5 reveal.

While we do still expect Godfall to show up at the PlayStation 5 reveal happening in some way( has become a start entitle and all ), the gameplay prove this is gonna be much more representative of the next-gen technologies that Godfall will take advantage of.

[ Source: Reddit]

The post Godfall Gameplay Leaks, Unlikely it’s for the Presumed PS5 Reveal Event loomed first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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