No one knows this. Absolutely no one. Dolan Trump could still win the 2020 election. As they say in America,’ It ain’t over till it’s over’. Dolan-bhai is engaged in inciting a million mutinies downstream in little provinces fromArizona to Pennsylvania to Georgia. Remember them? They were battleground commonwealths. Dolan wants evaluates, audits and forensics on voting machines.Look what happened in Arizona the other day, that remote desert position where the Canyon is Grand, the motto Ditat Deus( deity augments ), and voting machines suspect. Today, it a plaza of ballot pilgrimage. Republicans are sloped against Republican — actually it’s the Bhailog vs Old Fogy — and voting machines against genius intruders. Everyone wants to know if Dolan-bhai lost the 2020 referendum because of hanky-panky in Maricopa County.Did the Chinese dump 40,000 ballots in Arizona to tilt things Joe Biden’s way? Not to worry, the hard-working tribes at Cyber Ninjas are testing the ballots for bamboo fabrics to see if it was a Made-in-China operation as things mostly are these days. The investigation — or’ fraudit’ as some mutinous call it — will get to the bottom of this laboratory. It’s high noon in Arizona.Doesn’t concern if the whole thing has gone down a rabbit excavation and no one really remembers how the circus began, and before long the pro-Bhai One America News network — Fox is out of favour — was calling for the execution of Americans involved in the’ coup’ against The Dolan.Basic facts move thus: Bhai’s boosters involved a review in Maricopa County, and Arizona’s Republican-controlled state senate obliged. More than 2 million votes were subpoenaed and 400 voting machines seized.No topic that two previous scrutinies hadn’t fished out anything. They were regular examinations , not forensic, screamed the bhailog. Simply forensics reveal missteps and fraud — it takes an autopsy to find the cause of death.Except the forensics were done by Cyber Ninjas, a company whose CEO previously accepts the 2020 election was rigged against Trump. Incidentally, he also thinks immigrants were behind the 9/11 criticizes. Exactly query Google about Doug Logan and learn. When not plugging plot ideologies and ninjaing sweetie contracts his own nature, Logan shapes movies. His lone blockbuster is something called The Deep Rig about — you suspected it — the’ rigged election’. It’s natural the $150,000 contract to dissect voting machines should have gone to Logan.But Cyber Ninjas may end up expenditure Maricopa millions of dollars more for this very Trumpian adventure. Now that those disastrous voting machines have been touched by a private contractor, they are saw endangered. Arizona’s chief election officer Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, told me that she would decertify the machines if “theyre not” decommissioned. She is running for bos. Meanwhile, the federal department of justice located in a galaxy far, far away in Washington began to get upset because so many Republican legislators from other commonwealths were making a beeline to Arizona to check out the audit — the live series wasn’t enough. If they could rinse and recur Arizona in their home states and bring on the full crazy, Dolan-bhai would be so happy.But the country’s attorney general, appointed by Biden, alerted them not to catch the Arizona fever, or he would take action. Arizona attorney general Mark Brnovich told America’s AG to butt out. A federal involvement is an’ alarming indifference for state sovereignty, ’ he hollered. Brnovich is running for United states senate and needs Dolan-bhai’s support to win the seat.State-level tandav in America is another league absolutely. You can disappear reporters or voting machines, purge bureaucrats or electoral rolls, wear MAGA hats or saffron robes and preserve pushing the envelope.Dolan likes to operate in second-tier realms where it’s always summertime and the livin’ is easy. It’s easier to run a government-in-exile from Mar-a-Lago in sunny Florida and plan a return.

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