Monday Morning at the Movies

The Sundance Film Festival just concluded, and if you adore films you’re gonna be noshing on a lotta popcorn in 2019. I’m looking forward to three in particular. Knock Down the House, which “follows four gals political nominees from around the country[ who] took to the campaign trail, built and locked their groundworks, and constructed a motion, ” won the Festival Favorite Award. One of those candidates is Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez 😛 TAGEND

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Now some shameless name-dropping. In the late 1990 s I had the surreal experience of collaboration with Dr. Ruth Westheimer on the exploitation and commerce of a G-rated video project on relationship house. She was a force of mood and the only human I’ve assembled who literally never stopped smiling. Ask Dr. Ruth recounts the “Holocaust survivor who became America’s most well known gender therapist—as her 90 th birthday approachings, Dr. Ruth revisits her unpleasant past and her vocation at the vanguard of the sexual revolution.”


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And I’m super stoked about Raise Hell: The Life& Times of Molly Ivins, which was crowdfunded by, amongst other, various tribes now at Daily Kos. Along with the burgeoning blogosphere and the Howard Dean campaign, Molly’s columns and diaries were a mental lifeline for me during the evil Bush II times, and her observances on everything from gun cruelty to the eroding of civil liberty are as relevant as ever. Current rating at Rotten Tomatoes: 100 %

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But those are just the tip of the iceberg. You can check out a slay of other releases that will be coming to a theater and/ or TV and/ or computer screen near you. Click here and here.

And now federal principle requires that, since I brought up the subject of movies, I must reveal that the documentary Star Wars Episode IX: Avenge of the The Porgs opens in 311 epoches. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Cheers and Jeering starts below the crimp …[ Swoosh !!] RIGHTNOW![ Gong !!]

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