Ace( Robert De Niro) and Nicky( Joe Pesci) arrange to have a secret meeting in the wilderness outside of Las Vegas. As federal enforcement actions closes in around them, the two find their friendship has reached its breaking point. They exchange insults and foul language in one of the finest acting instants in any Martin Scorsese’s film.

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Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci star in conductor Martin Scorsese’s riveting look at how blind aspiration, white-hot passion and 24 -karat greed fell an conglomerate. Las Vegas 1973 is the setting for this fact-based story about the Mob’s multi-million dollar casino operation where fates and lives were made and lost with a roll of the dice.

Cast: Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods, Don Rickles
Produced by: Barbara de Fina
Directed by: Martin Scorsese
(c) 2008 Universal Studios. All Privileges Earmarked.

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