4 Trippy Ways Blend Footage in Your Video Projects

Looking for ways to crank up your footage? Here are four ways to use merging to turn regular shots into visual spectacles.

As a fan of Adult Swim’s Off The Air material and regular helper of EDM celebrations, I’ve always been a fan of colorful visuals and eclectic imagery. For some reason, watching normal footage that’s been cranked into a visual sight is oddly hypnotic, and it’s hard to turn away from.

So in researching how to recreate these effects, I found that they are excellent for pairing different shots and crushing them into one — as well as composing off-the-wall changes that are sure to keep your audience stimulated.

Whether you are a DJ trying to attain content to frolic during your establisheds or a music video make go looking for eerie ways to match footage to your artist’s M.O ., here are four ways and means to combination footage creatively.

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